Making a good first impression is important in order to draw readers in. Design can accomplish this. Keep in mind two things: simplicity and visual clarity. If the document appears to be easy to read, then it probably is. A reader isn't going to spend time reading a manual that doesn't look like it will be easy to read. Keep the design and format simple.
Twenty design elements should be followed when creating a document, including elements like font, spacing, margins, and white space. (See the Design Tip Sheet 6-1, page 223 for the complete list.) These design elements are effective because of the human brain and eye movement. Because the brain can only handle up to seven different items at one time, it is good to limit your documents to three different items, to make it easier on the reader. No matter what, don't go over seven items. Use the Rule of Three as your guide in document design. Eye movement follows four patterns, which help determine effective document design:
1. Line length: Readers comprehend about 40 characters per glance, so it makes sense visually to limit line length to 40 characters.
2. Words per second: The eye comprehends three or more words per second, so keep words simple and use headings and sections to enhance the message.
3. Words at a time: The eye comprehends two or more words at a time. Because the eye groups words together, the small words may get missed, so be careful of your wording. Write as precisely as possible, cutting down on descriptive words.
4. Zigzag reading pattern: The eye reads in a zigzag pattern, from top to bottom and left to right, so be cautious about emphasis and image placement to avoid the eye from going off of its normal reading track.
The limitations of the brain and eye require that we "chunk" material on the page to aid in visual recognition. If we present the reader with too much information at once, the reader will probably not be excited to digest it all. If we chunk it, the reader is more likely to be receptive to what we have written. There are many ways to chunk (use short words, sentences, and paragraphs; headings; color; lists), the important thing is to do it.
However, adding white space will increase the overall length of your document. Usually, the need for white space trumps the desire for a shorter document. If, however, the added white space will create a document that is too massive, you have only two options:
2. split the material into two manuals with more white space.
Remember that too much white space can be just as bad as too little. Create a visually appealing balance by exercising restraint, discipline, and moderation.
Forget the adage that "consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Be consistent in all aspects of your document design and writing. Consistency will reduce the effort needed by the reader to make sense of your document. Inconsistencies break the reader's rhythm--avoid this.
Team 4 (Chapman and Lukkonen)
I had one question: What is a hobgoblin?
Thank you for the summary. When writing a document, I always consider the audience, but in addition I need to use the tools that will help the reader to read the article and to keep his/her interest. Some of the tools mentioned in this chapter were also introduced to tech comm students in the editing class. Writing is much more than putting words on paper. Effective page layout design is as important as the contents.
Chapter 6 was a good review of some principles that are covered extensively in technical editing and in visual design courses. That said, I found some rules to be different than what I learned in other courses. For example, I've usually followed the 2.5 alphabet / two times the point size rule that Rude recommends in "Technical Editing" when deciding on proper line length.
Campbell's book is a good reference piece for technical writers but I do find that she lacks specifics sometimes. In the design tips section at the end of the chapter the author talks about graphics and logos and leaving space around them. This is great advice, but I don't think she accurately covers it in a single sentence. An example or two with actual recommendations would really help. One should not assume all writers (and even some designers) will know enough about clear space around a logo without demonstrating the process of applying clear space.
I think a whole technical editing course can be devoted to design! This is a really important part of a successful communication. It reminds me (similar to Vanda) of some of the articles and information we read for Technical Editing. I was specifically reminded of the article written by Keyes, E. (1993). Typography, color, and information structure. Technical Communication, 40(4), 638-654.
I agree that Campbell's guidelines do sometimes seem to be a bit sparse, but I assume that her book is meant to be more of an overview, pulling together the high points as a reference for writers. She doesn't spend much time discussing the actual research; she wants us to know useful facts that we can apply. Perhaps she thinks "40 characters" is easier to remember than Rude's rule. Or maybe she is just thinking of guidelines for policies and procedures in particular. We won't find the science behind the rules in this text, but the rules themselves -- distilled down, as they are -- are easy to locate and understand.
I found the general tips about design helpful, although I wonder about some of them. For example, is eye movement really standard or does it vary depending upon culture? I do agree with recommendations to simplify and tried to do that with the policies and procedures assignment, although I wonder if using a number of different formats recommended by Campbell added to visual clutter.
Vanda, if your question is serious,
a hobgoblin is a fairy tale monster and Campbell is borrowing that line from RW Emerson.
Like all of the chapters so far, this one was also very helpful and practical. I learned some new information, such as the notes about line length, words per second, and words at a time. I also appreciated the information about chunking and white space, and wish more textbooks would take this into account, as Campbell seems to practice what she preaches. I think the conclusion about being consistent is incredibly important because as readable and visually appealing as a document may be, if it is inconsistent in its design, all it serves to do is confuse readers.
Great fundamentals to aid readability and comprehension of print and online content. The information about chunking information and white space is particularly applicable to online content. Headlines, subheads and bulleted lists also improve information design. Her principles of technical communication also hold for marketing communications, branding and corporate identity.
I have to say I think consistency is key in writing. I am currently working a contract position and basically, everything I am doing is checking for consistency throughout the already-established site and figuring out ways to get the users to read the site. I think this chapter has been especially helpful for things to keep in mind!
This article reinforces objectives to good writing and motivating reading skills. I think her points were extremely useful for all writing instances.
I am at an disadvantage to the others here, I have not had tech editing, therefore, I thought this was good advice that she gave, only having advanced writing classes. I have found in some cases repeated instances of advice, but it is also good reinforcement between authors that it really works. Keeping the reader interested is one of the most important aspects of writing an effective article or manual. Page layout is as important as the content. (Vanda)
As I am also new to the technical communication field, I find this textbook to be practical reference for the present and future projects.
I am sure when taking the editing class, I will learn additional details about the format of the document.
It was interesting to learn that brain can process and deal with seven different items at one time.
I also liked the tip about adding white space!
Thanks for the summary. The chapter is straightforward and explains material that is mostly common sense (or at least should be).
I got a chuckle out of the white space section (clever!). It is true that many readers often find a completely filled page to be a little overwhelming. If lines are lengthy, a reader often subconsciously stumbles. One of my texts in desktop publishing took advantage of the white space technique, and text took up maybe 3/4 of the page rather than, say, 9/10 of the page. It felt like a breeze to read through.
Consistency, while obvious to most of us, is often taken for granted by those who think flashy rather than easy to read. It is true that most readers will care little about a graphical mess than a simple and straightforward document. Visual representation of the message is important, yes, but it needs to be done with care. Too often the amateur will keep adding graphics that are related to the message, when really they only need one or two to fully convey what it is the reader needs to know. It is here that we technical communicators assist in making effective and professional documents.
I agree, Anna, that this text works as practical reference. A lot of the texts used in the tech comm program will emphasize the points made in this chapter; therefore, this chapter is definitely something we all need to know (and know well).
I am always surprised how inconsistencies in document format do distract me, which is Campbell's concern. Many of the design tips Campbell mentions are also taught in desktop publishing courses.
I definitely think that the TC program provides many opportunities to apply document design strategies. The policy our team chose for the policy/procedures assignment in this course required some redesigning.
Lastly, I agree with Campbell that headings are essential for readers to "work" their way through a document. In an article I reported on in Editing Tech. Pubs (Visual discriminability of headings in text.” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 35 (2): 64-70.), the author indicated font size and bold format were the two elements that make headings the most noticeable.
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