Thursday, February 28, 2008

Campbell Chapter 7 - What's the Secret to Creating Good Manuals and Handbooks

What's the Secret to Creating Good Manuals and Handbooks

What to Put in a Manual or Handbook

Ultimately there is no formula for writing a manual. The manual will be written for a certain purpose and a certain audience. How do you present the manual? You want to present it in a way that the user will find it easy to use by not spending endless time looking for answers in it. the content must be in logical order, with a reference systme that's quick and easy.

There are seven design elements referred to as the front matter and the back matter. Many of the items in the list are so common that we do not give them a second thought when writing.

Table of Contents (TOC) Front Matter

An overview of what's in the book. It's the first impression readers have of the manual. If the table gives a good impression it encourages the reader to go on. If it gives a negative impression, such as crowded, confusing, or hard to read, it gives the reader that assumption the rest of the document is the same.

List of Illustration Front Matter

This is placed after the TOC and lists the illustrations and graphics in the manual. This makes it easier for the reader to find exactly what they are looking for instead of paging through the book.

List of Form Front Matter

The list of forms is like the illustrations list. The book also suggests that this could be placed in a forms index.

Introduction Front Matter

"This part of the front matter sets the stage ofr what's coming and orients the reader to certain basics about the manual, such as the purpose and scope."

Glossary Back Matter

This is a list of definitions that is used throughout the manual. It can be placed at the front or the back. Audience analysis can help determine whether you should use a glossary, what type, and how in-dpeth it needs to be.

Appendix Back Matter

Information that supplements the text belongs in this section. This information would otherwise confuse the reader while going through the manual. If the text is at the end of the manual they have decision to back and read through it.


"The index is probably the most valuable "speed tool" you can give the reader" Its an alphabeical list of what's in the manual. When developing an index use terminology the readers use. Stay with realistic language and avoid corporate-speak.

The Production Elements

This is another area that tends to be overlooked because of familiarity. Main items to consider when deciding on production elements are: 1. How readers will use the manual, 2. Under what conditions they'll use it; and 3. How frequently they'll use it. There are six elements to consider.


Standard 8 1/2 x 11 for most manuals. Smaller size manual tend to get lost among regular size materials.


Using a standard 20 to 24 lb. paper is adequate. If heavy use is expected a heavier paper is suggested such as 24 to 32 lbs. If the manual is being used in a production area, a water resistent or laminate type of page should be used. It is more costly, but it will save the cost of having to replace manuals more often or losing pages of the manual.


3 color issues

1. Page color

2. Section color

3. Binder color

White is mainly used for page color because it is easiest on the eyes. But to make a section stand out, color would be a good choice. The example gives whas the blue pages in a telephone book for the government section. Binder colors also can make a stand out impression. If everyone else uses black, try another color to make yours stand out.


Inexpensive binders aren't always the way to go. They often fall apart at the seams or the rings break. One must consider the usage it will have when purchasing.

Usage of the binder should also be taken into consideration. a 2" binder requires 2 hands where a 1/2" binders needs 1 hand to pull off the shelf. If a person is on the phone all day the 1/2" binder makes the most sense. Split up the manual into 2 binders.

Always use 3-ring binders when you expect changes in content. Spiral binders can be used if there is to be not changes or minimal changes. Whatever binding system is used, be sure the pages will lie flat and are easy to turn.


If using a binder, get one that has clear envelope on the front to slip a page into and preferrably one on the spine. Manuals sit on the shelf with only their spines showing, so being able to put a title on the spine ensure that they will be seen and used more.


Tabs divide sections. Buy sturdy tabs so they do not break off between section.


Mary said...

I like the point about using binders that make sense for the user. I worked in a call center for awhile and the reference manual I had to search through was the largest manual I've ever had at a job. Plus, there were no tabs, so I had to go through and tab the manual to even begin to make it usable. It was still very hard to find anything quickly. Yet, I was expected to serve each customer in one minute or less.

gary said...

I find this chapter ironic because so few software and hardware manufacturers print on paper anymore. A lot of documentation goes direct to CD or is put online these days. Fifteen years ago we would spend tens of thousands of dollars on quality binders and custom tabs. Just three letters changed all that: PDF. User documentation ain't what it used to be...

Jane said...

There are a lot of details in this chapter and useful points to consider. But, as Gary pointed out, it doesn't consider electronic manuals. I'll be working on a handbook that will be published exclusively electronically this year. That eliminates not only the cost but also the time spent considering the details of binding, size, paper, etc. Of course, there will be new considerations, such as background color, pdf or doc format, and flash drive or CD. However, last-minute changes and additions will be easier to make (I hope) and cheaper to implement.

Lance said...

I agree with most of the other posters here. The tips and advice are useful, but maybe a little out of date. The advice about ring binders was helpful. Without adequate space for all of your paper, the binder can become very cumbersome to work with. I've been on the receiving end of an unhappy presenter that was using a binder that my department produced which was stuffed with too much information. That was a few years ago, though, I learned my lesson the hard way.
For the most part, the material in this chapter was nothing new.

David said...

For once, I find that I have nothing to say. Except that you could think about each of these topics for a minute or so and come up with just about all the things she mentions.

Karen said...

Publishing on paper is not an entirely lost art! Where I work -- at a hospital -- the Communications department produces documents in both paper and electronic formats. There are reasons for paper documents: some are attached to the equipment they describe, some are pocket-manuals, and some are required to be physically present in patient care departments. We also have employees who don't use computers on the job, such as housekeepers and food service techs. Campbell, although she often states the obvious, is still relevant.

Amy Beeman said...

Yes, I have to agree with what's been said about the electronic manuals. I'm currently working on a manual that will be done electronically, but I really am not sure "how" it will be done, so I am having some difficulties with writing it knowing that I won't necessarily be using the same format. Thanks for the summary!

Vanda Heuring said...

I really liked this chapter and its summary, becasue it was so chekclist-style. Other than formatting and selection of the right tools, the major secret for creating good manuals and handbooks to to make them usable. If they are not helpful and intuitive to use, then they will not be used, no matter how many components on the "to-do list" are present.

Lori Hood said...

Even though many manuals are electronic, I find that for software or tasks that I really need to learn thoroughly, I'll print copies. This may make the design task a little more difficult because a person designing for electronic access also needs to think about how it will print for those ridiculously anal people (like me:) who like to use color and annotation to enhance learning.

Keeley said...

Lori made a good point. I was thinking, as I was reading the chapter and posts, the same as many people said. At my job, the policy and procedure manual is ONLY available online. Some of the steps apply since the policies have to organized in a useful manner. There are ways to view the policies as lists, or to search for them with keywords, or by category. But when I am looking for a particular policy, I almost always print it out. I find it comforting to hold it in my hands, mark it up, and stick it somewhere for future reference. So the printed version still has to be considered and planned for, even though the book itself isn't published in a hard copy form.

brunsj1 said...

I think there are benefits of going online and also using paper. The decision to do either should be deliberate and well thought out, since they are different methods of delivery to your users. I also thought that it was odd (as many have already mentioned) that she doesn't even mention online manuals. However, Chapter 12 does address some of the advantages and disadvantages of going online.

J.J. Carlson said...

Well, this was a rather technical chapter!

I guess the only thing I can think to comment on is the index. I have never created an index for a large document, but would love to try. For manuals, I am certain that an index is a crutch for user. Not always will a manual be read front to back, because large manuals often contain information explaining a complex machine in its various processes. An index here is perfect for quick reference.

As the author stated, a TOC is also crucial in most printed documents. I've done it numerous times: I picked up a book because the title sounded interesting, and then I looked at the TOC to see how many of the chapters would cater to my interests.